Thursday, January 29, 2009

Positive Networking Defined

Positive Networking is a trademarked term of the Shepa Learning Company that defines networking "done right"  Too often people associate networking with selling and single focus self interest and simply don't like to do it.  This is the wrong stuff.  Positive Networking, as defined in Work the Pond! (Prentice Hall, NY, 2005) is all about, "discovering what we can do for others."  My co-authors, Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson and I have presented this concept to over 300 audiences world wide, and the response is astounding.  "It makes all the difference."  "It takes the pressure off."  "Now I don't have to feel like I am selling myself."  What a difference a definition makes.

1 comment:

  1. There are basically two types of networking: Transactional and Positive.
    Transactional is all about referrals, sales, revenues. It has its place: Tradeshows, sales calls where there is no mistake what the purpose is. The problem is it is often taught as THE right stuff of day to day networking and it is not, it is the wrong stuff for most encounters.
    It is characterized by an 'elevator pitch', which is only appropriate in a setting where we have permission to be in 'sales mode.' Positive Networking, on the other hand, focuses on relationships, reputation, rapport. It is characterized by conversation, good listening and communications skills and empathy. It is about what Daniel Goleman calls 'Social Intelligence.' It is characterized by a 'Tribal Introduction,' rather than an 'elevator pitch.' Positive Networking as defined in Work the Pond! (Prentice Hall USA) has been described by Apple Fellow and Internet guru, Guy Kawasaki, as "...the world's best definition."
