Thursday, January 29, 2009

Positive Networking Defined

Positive Networking is a trademarked term of the Shepa Learning Company that defines networking "done right"  Too often people associate networking with selling and single focus self interest and simply don't like to do it.  This is the wrong stuff.  Positive Networking, as defined in Work the Pond! (Prentice Hall, NY, 2005) is all about, "discovering what we can do for others."  My co-authors, Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson and I have presented this concept to over 300 audiences world wide, and the response is astounding.  "It makes all the difference."  "It takes the pressure off."  "Now I don't have to feel like I am selling myself."  What a difference a definition makes.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Work The Pond!...Rezac, Thomson and Hallgren strike again.

Hi Troy,
Thank you for the kind comments. Gayle, Judy and I are really pleased our stuff has been so helpful to you and so many others. It seems our brand of engagement through positive networking has stuck a cord, not only here but around the world. Recently did seminars in Beijing, St Louis, Montreal and Geneva...the responses are much the same. All very gratifying.
The new book, Work The Pond! has just come out in the US published by Penguin (Prentice Hall). It has new content on social capital and engagement which is important stuff. It is also in paperback, and currently is discounting it as a promotion for about $10 or so. Readers can get it at too.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.